Site Prep Begins For a Residential Project At 3657 South Motor Avenue In Palms, Los Angeles

A new residential project broke ground, and site preparation has been initiated at 3657 South Motor Avenue in Palms, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes the development of a residential complex with commercial space and on-site parking.

Los Angeles-based entity Wiseman Residential is the project developer. Uriu & Associates is responsible for the design concepts and construction.

The new mixed-use project will bring 68 apartments designed in a seven-story building. The property site is an empty lot that once housed a Montessori school. Commercial space and parking spaces at street level will be allotted on the site. The developer has set aside seven apartments as deed-restricted affordable housing at the low-income level, allowing the developer to increase building height and density through the Transit Oriented Communities guidelines.

Planning documents reveal a podium-style building featuring five wood frame levels above a double-story concrete base. The estimated construction timeline has not been announced yet.

The project is one of the several mixed-use and multifamily housing projects under construction in the neighborhood.

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