Construction is wrapping up at 14222 West Victory Boulevard, in Van Nuys. The project will bring denser housing to the area, including a couple of low-income housing units. It replaces a single story home.
The building is three stories tall, with 20,000 square feet of floor. The dimensions are 35 feet tall, 95 feet long, and 86 feet wide. 18 units are inside, 2 fall under the very low income and 1 under the low income. Some of the units will have recessed patios, providing shade for the outdoor space.
There is one level of the garage below grade. Inside, there are 16 compact, 1 disabled, and 17 standard parking stalls. 18 long-term and 2 short-term bicycle parking spaces are available. Several bus stops are in the vicinity, providing access to public transportation. The closest is at the corner of Victory Boulevard and Tyrone Avenue.
Commercial Shoring Inc. (CSI), out of Fontana, helped develop the project, according to signage posted on the property. A contemporary aesthetic was chosen for the design, in a white and gray pallet. The construction is concrete slab on grade with continuous spread footing. $3.7 million was the permit valuation at time of filing.
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