Framing is rising at 7219 North Canby Avenue in Reseda. The site, a collaboration between Azure Development, Thomas Safran & Associates, and the City of Los Angeles, is entitled “Canby Woods West.” It will bring additional low-income housing to the area.
7219 North Canby Avenue. Photo by Stefany Hedman.
When completed, the building will be 52 feet tall, 63 feet wide, 142 feet long. It will be four stories high with 14,200 square feet of floor. Inside there will 26 units. 23 will be low-income housing, and three will be very-low-income units. Two units have 2-bedroom layouts, and a remainder is a 1-bedroom unit. Each apartment has a private patio of 500 square feet minimum.
7219 North Canby Avenue. Rendering by WHA
Tenants, and their families, will receive supportive services through their residency, including on-site case management, financial education, food assistance, life skills training, and transportation assistance. Amenities include a gym, community room with a shared kitchen, laundry room, and a shared TV/computer room for all residents. 1 disabled and 5 standard parking spaces are included in the plans. There will also be 26 long-term and 3 short-term bicycle parking spaces.
7219 North Canby Avenue. Photo by Stefany Hedman.
WHA (William Hezmalhalch Architects) is behind the design. The site features an at-grade garden at the center, visible from the upper apartments. The permit valuation, at the time of filing, was $3.3 million. Residents will be selected to live in the housing through Los Angeles County’s Coordinated Entry System (CES).
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