Framework is starting to rise for Camino Del Sol High School, in Oxnard, at the Northeast Corner of North Rose Avenue and Camino Del Sol. The project is the first phase of development for one of the last large undeveloped areas within the city limits, and is an opportunity to provide remaining public needs. It is part of a larger plan, referred to as the Northeast Community Specific Plan.
The block is 107 acres overall. In addition to the school, 500-950 residential units and some commercial development are proposed. A tentative map with fourteen master lots is included.
Some renditions of the master lots include all multi family housing structures. They fill the northern third of the property, along with an expansion of East Village Park. The commercial section is in the Southwest corner of the site, encompassed by the high school.
Jensen Design & Survey is behind the planning. The site is in line with the City’s 2030 general plan. It includes a proposal for a development titled East Village Phase III, which aims to feel like an “urban village.” The design has yet to gain momentum.
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