Community Corp of Santa Monica celebrated the successful groundbreaking of an affordable housing project at 1819 Pico Boulevard in Santa Monica. The project proposal includes constructing a four-story building with residential units, commercial space, and basement parking. The $41-million project has secured generous funding from tax credit equity, a bank loan, and $13.3 million provided by the City of Santa Monica.
Brooks + Scarpa is managing the design concepts and construction of the project.
The housing project will feature forty-eight apartments offered as a mix of one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units. A commercial space of 4,174 square feet is set aside on the ground floor. Basement parking will be designed to provide parking for approximately forty-nine vehicles. The apartments will cater to households earning at or below 30-80 percent of the area’s median income.
Renderings reveal a facade designed in stucco. The architecture-design concept of the building is expressed as village-style multiple buildings pivoted around a central courtyard.
Located within a half-mile east of 14th Street, the project will rise on the former site of Mount Hermon Baptist Church. The estimated date of project completion has not been announced yet. Another affordable housing project by Community Corp of Santa Monica is being developed at 1820 Pico Boulevard.
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