
5430 West Carlton Way

Apartment Building Proposed at 5430 West Carlton Way, Hollywood, Los Angeles

A new residential project has been proposed for development at 5430 West Carlton Way in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes the construction of an eight-story building offering 131 apartments. The project will require the demolition of some small residential buildings on the site, built between 1916 and 1948. Leeor Maciborski is listed as the project developer.

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1212 North Orange Drive

Meeting Held for Apartment Building at 1212 North Orange Drive, Hollywood

Last week, Los Angeles City Planning Commission held a meeting to discuss a residential project proposed at 1212 North Orange Drive in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes the construction a new four-story building offering dwelling units, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), landscaped open areas, and onsite parking. Venicci Investment Group is the owner. Architect Sam Ghanouni (SG Design Inc) is responsible for the designs.

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6464 Santa Monica Boulevard

Conversion Proposed at 6464 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood

Conversion and reuse have been proposed for an existing building at 6464 Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes the adaptive reuse of a commercial building constructed in the 1920s, to be converted into an apartment building with live/work units. Bolour Associates is listed as the owner of the building. Abramson Architects is designing the project.

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1360 North Vine Street Options

Hearing Held: Options for a High-Rise at 1360 North Vine Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles

Plans for developing a high-rise project have moved forward at a site located at 1360 North Vine Street in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes offering options for the development of a mixed-use high-rise on the site. Both options will require the demolition of the existing commercial and vacant residential structures on the site. However, the developer aims to redevelop-reuse the existing six bungalows on the site. Onni Group is the project developer. Solomon Cordwell Buenz is responsible for the designs.

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