
1818 Cherokee Avenue Rendering

Multifamily Residential Development Planned At 1818 North Cherokee Avenue, Hollywood

The Los Angeles Planning Commission signed off on a new housing project at 1818 North Cherokee Avenue in Hollywood. The project proposal includes the construction of a new multifamily residential development featuring apartments and on-site parking. Real estate investment firm CGI Strategies is the project developer. AC Martin is managing the design concepts and construction.

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Ten Small Lot Houses Completed At 859 North Detroit Street In Hollywood

New residential development consisting of small-lot houses can be seen in Hollywood, at 859 North Detroit Street in Los Angeles. The project features ten single-family dwellings situated a block west of La Brea. Los Angeles-based architecture firm, Modative, is responsible for the design concepts and construction. A business entity managed by Investor Jacob Cohan is the project applicant.

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1130-1134 Orange Drive

Apartment Complex Under Construction At 1130-34 Orange Drive, Hollywood

An apartment complex broke ground a few weeks ago and is under construction at 1130-1134 Orange Drive, Hollywood. The project proposal includes the construction of a six-story apartment complex with on-site parking. Foundation work can now be seen on the project site. Los Angeles-based firm Massachi Industries is the project developer. OfficeUntitled is managing the design concepts and construction.

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Modera Argyle View

Hollywood To Welcome a New Mixed-Use Building On Argyle Avenue and Selma Street

A vacant commercial building will soon provide housing to Hollywood residents. A mixed-use project at 1546 North Argyle Avenue and 6224 West Selma Street has been approved to take shape from the longtime base of Ametron Electronics. The project proposal consists of the construction of a seven-story building with residential units, retail space, and a subterranean parking garage.
Mill Creek Residential Trust is going to develop this project. AC Martin is managing the design concepts and construction.

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