
550 South Shatto Place Elevation

Design Changes Proposed for 550 South Shatto Place, Koreatown

New design changes have been proposed for a mixed-use project planned for 550 South Shatto Place in Koreatown, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes the development of an eight-story building offering spaces for residential and retail uses. Canadian real estate firms Townline and Forme Development are listed as the project developers. KTGY is responsible for the designs.

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22501 Hawthorne Boulevard

Ground Breaking Prepped at 22501 Hawthorne Boulevard in Torrance

A new residential project is all set to break ground at 22501 Hawthorne Boulevard in Torrance. The project proposal includes the construction of a new five-story mixed-use building offering spaces for residential units, commercial spaces, and onsite parking. The mixed-use will be developed on the former site of Gable House Bowl. Intracorp Homes is the project developer. VTBS Architects is responsible for the designs.

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848-852 North Fuller Avenue View

Four-Story Planned at 848-852 North Fuller Avenue, Los Angeles

Development plans proposing a new residential project have been submitted for a parcel located at 848-852 North Fuller Avenue in Fairfax, Los Angeles. The project proposal includes the construction of a new four-story building offering space for residential use. The project calls for the demolition of two existing structures on the site. Vitruvian is listed as the project developer, operating through an LLC named 848-LA. Tighe Architecture is responsible for the designs.

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